
Posts Tagged ‘pharma’

Sanofi Aventis Teardrops App for iPhone

Interesting video about Teardrops app produced for Sanofi Aventis by Publicis Brazil.

Through the use of Teardrops you can clear red eyes from your photos. App is free and that will accelerate downloads but since the “clear red eyes effect” is really common, by itself is probably not enough to push this app among the most downloaded. (quality of Video could be higher…)

#Pharma & Branded Social Game

RT @MediaPost: Reckitt Benckiser Launches Branded Social Game: Anyone who’s had a Facebook friend playing Farmville, Mafia…

Buon compleanno… Viagra

Geniale trovata delle Pfizer che per festeggiare l’11 compleanno della piu’ famosa pillola al mondo (…dopo l’aspirina ovviamente), ha distribuito alla propria forza vendita un piuttosto eloquente e simpatico gadget che mostra come per fare festa, con una pastiglia di Viagra…basti un soffio! ;D

From AdGoodness